human rights

Women in Afghanistan

Nov 29, 2006
With the resurgence of the Taliban, women in Afghanistan are once again rated by the United Nations as being "among the worst-off in the world." Learn more about their plight in the companion piece to Christian Parenti's larger article, "Afghan Autopsy."

Britain’s Alleged Torture Hypocrisy

Nov 2, 2006
A new report from Human Rights Watch accuses the British government of softening protections against torture, abdicating its responsibility to pressure the U.S. against the practice and knowingly deporting terror suspects to countries where they are likely to suffer abuse.

Truthdigger of the Week: Mayor Ross ‘Rocky’ Anderson

Sep 1, 2006
Truthdig salutes Rocky Anderson, the Salt Lake City mayor who spoke out against the war and reminded the world that "blind faith in bad leaders is not patriotism." Anderson welcomed Bush to his city with a fiery protest speech and these searing lines: "A patriot does not tell people who are intensely concerned about their country to just sit down and be quiet; to refrain from speaking out in the name of politeness or for the sake of being a good host; to show slavish, blind obedience and deference to a dishonest, war-mongering, human-rights-violating president."
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Friends Don’t Let Friends Use Torture

Dec 4, 2005
Condi Rice is so tired of Old Europe and its human rights complaints. Big deal, so the CIA is using Soviet era torture camps in Eastern Europe to stash "war on terror" prisoners. Don't those fusspots in the EU understand that our use of torture is fundamentally different because we are the good guys and that Eastern Europe has been liberated? That outmoded European slogan of "friends don't let friends use torture" is so over.