karl marx

M for Marginalism

Jan 25, 2014
Money: All money is credit in one way or another. But today it is government-backed or government-created credit, as its defining characteristic is the government’s willingness to accept it in payment of taxes or other public fees.
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The Economics of Middle-Class Identity

Nov 13, 2013
As the recession forces many of us to frequently change jobs and work in servile positions, defining whom we are becomes increasingly difficult; Karl Marx is considered by some to be the world's most influential scholar; meanwhile, animals can speak, scientists find, but they don't say much beyond the basics. These discoveries and more after the jump.

The Making of Global Capitalism

Jan 31, 2013
Although Karl Marx discerned in the middle of the 19th century that a new class of capitalists was creating "a world after its own image," it took until the beginning of the 21st century before "a constantly expanding market" could be said to have fully spread capitalist social relations "over the entire surface of the globe," write Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin in their new book, "The Making of Global Capitalism."

Karl Marx Is More Relevant Than Ever

Jan 26, 2013
“For many in my generation, the ideological underpinnings of capitalism have been undermined,” writes Jacobin editor Bhaskar Sunkara at The Guardian. “That a higher percentage of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 have a more favorable opinion of socialism than capitalism … signals that the cold war era conflation of socialism with Stalinism no longer holds sway.”

‘It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way’

Jan 12, 2013
“How do you expect this to play out over the next few years?” host Thom Hartmann asked economist Michael Hudson on "The Big Picture" this week “That’s what everybody’s wondering,” Hudson replied “The economy is going to shrink and shrink and shrink, and the question is whether people are going to go out in the streets or whether there’s going to be an actual response saying it doesn’t have to be this way".

Karl Marx on a Credit Card: Priceless

Jun 27, 2012
Many East Germans are choosing credit cards with an image of a Karl Marx bust staring at the MasterCard logo; Urban Outfitters, owned by a right-wing conservative, is selling Mitt Romney merchandise to irony-thirsty hipsters; meanwhile, the political pressure Latinos placed on Obama is finally paying off. These discoveries and more after the jump.

A Master Class in Occupation

Oct 31, 2011
In the park and other Occupied sites across the country, middle-class men and women, many highly educated but unschooled in the techniques of resistance, are taught by those who have been carrying out acts of rebellion for years.In the park and other Occupied sites, middle-class men and women unschooled in the techniques of resistance are taught by those who have been carrying out acts of rebellion for years.

Nude in Black and White

Oct 15, 2011
I thought about Susan Dey and blisters and being a hippie last Thursday when I found myself driving around outside the Air and Space Museum looking for a place to park. I was in D.C. for the purpose of lending my body and rancor to the Occupy Wall Street protesters gathering in Freedom Plaza for their first day of rabble-rousing.There was no nuance as far as the eye could see.

A Warning on Wall Street

Oct 10, 2011
Slovenian madman and intellectual hero Slavoj Zizek treated protesters encamped at New York City's Liberty Plaza to a rousing pep talk Sunday in which he confessed his fear that the Occupy Wall Street movement could devolve into a mere opportunity for youthful memory-making. (more)