Scott Ritter / TruthdigAug 29, 2018
As a prisoner of war, he passed horrendous tests. But later, tested in the Senate, he often failed monumentally. Dig deeper ( 13 Min. Read )
Robert Scheer / TruthdigAug 26, 2018
In this repost of a 2008 Truthdig article, Editor in Chief Robert Scheer analyzes the inconsistencies in the political career of the senator, then the Republican candidate for the presidency. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Robert Scheer / TruthdigOct 15, 2008
And the winner is … Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Remember him—the great Democratic president who saved capitalism from the capitalists by reining in their exorbitant greed? Forget the Reagan Revolution heralding a new era of small government, which turned out to be nothing more than a fig leaf for legalized corporate crime. The hero of the hour is FDR. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
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Robert Scheer / TruthdigOct 8, 2008
I am not a conventionally religious man, or even a very superstitious one, but I do wish George Bush would stop asking God to bless America. Every time he does, we seem to be visited with another plague, suggesting divine wrath over our president's evil ways. How else to explain the persistent calamity that has marked this administration? Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigAug 23, 2008
What was the exact nature of John McCain's involvement in the notorious Keating Five scandal? CNN revisited this particular chapter from John McCain's professional past for "McCain Revealed," the news network's profile on the senator-turned-presidential-hopeful. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Robert Scheer / TruthdigJul 16, 2008
McCain campaign co-chair Phil Gramm is right: We have "become a nation of whiners." But who is whining more than the bankers that former Sen. Gramm's financial deregulation legislation benefited? The very bankers who now expect a government bailout, such as those at UBS Investment Bank, where Gramm found lucrative employment. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Robert Scheer / TruthdigJun 4, 2008
Will the real John McCain stand up? Actually, I don't expect him to, now that he is the Republican presidential candidate, pandering to the irrationalities that drive his party. Nor is it likely that the fawning mass media will pressure him to the point of clarity. But I remain genuinely confused as to what makes him tick. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigFeb 21, 2008
Did unwanted attention from a New Republic scribe prod The New York Times into printing its long-awaited story about certain alleged snags in Sen. John McCain's moral fabric? McCain's camp apparently thinks so, but regardless, the Arizona senator's team is switching into battle mode to counter the paper's "smear campaign." Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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