Staff / TruthdigJul 11, 2006
"Jesus never said one word about homosexuality, never said one word about civil marriage or abortion," said a prominent religious left leader in an article about religious progressives trying to regain the political ground they lost after the MLK Jr era (h/t: Huff Po)
The mixing of religion and politics is a bad idea regardless of the ideological slant But until Sam Harris wins that argument (more). Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigJun 11, 2006
Veteran N.Y. Times political reporter Adam Nagourney, reporting from the blog conference in Las Vegas, writes that "the blogosphere has become for the left what talk radio has been for the right: a way of organizing and communicating to supporters." Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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Staff / TruthdigMay 31, 2006
Christian fundamentalist Tim LaHaye's series of "Left Behind" books has been made into a Grand Theft Auto-style video game. Preview: The main character says "Praise the Lord" after blowing away a heathen. (Talk2action has more.)
Let's see: We've got a deputy undersecretary of defense who sees the war on terror as a fight between Judeo-Christians and Satan; a president who has called the war on terror a "crusade" and, now, video game makers encouraging preteens to kill heathens. If those are the people being saved, Leave Me Behind. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMay 22, 2006
The Washington Post charts the resurgence of religious liberals, who emphasize issues like poverty, affordable healthcare and global warming. Some observers worry that this will create an even more polarized environment in 2006 than during the 2004 election. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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