max baucus

How Obama Can Win on Health Care

Aug 31, 2009
President Obama can still secure major health care legislation this year if he learns from his mistakes in recent months and spends more time reminding Americans why they were once eager for fundamental change.Obama can still secure major health care legislation this year if he learns from his mistakes.
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Public Option Headed for Senate Death

Jul 29, 2009
Looks like the insurance companies are getting what they've paid for in the U.S. Congress. The Senate Finance Committee is closer to a deal with Republicans, which means no public health care option. The Blue Dogs, meanwhile, are still nipping at the heels of House Democrats.

Health Care Fail

Jun 19, 2009
By one estimate, Sen. Max Baucus gets about $1,500 a day from the health industry. Who put this man in charge of health care reform? The senator's latest innovation in compromise is to slash proposed insurance subsidies in a bid to get Republicans on board. And forget about a government-run insurance program.

Baucus’ Raucous Caucus

May 13, 2009
Single-payer advocates have been protesting in Senate Finance Committee hearings, chaired by Democratic Montana Sen. Max Baucus. Last week, at a committee hearing with 15 industry speakers, not one represented the single-payer perspective.