
Right Wing Gone Wild

Mar 18, 2010
American fanatics tend to self-destruct Today's right-wing nihilists, led by Elizabeth Cheney, William Kristol and Glenn Beck, are crossing that threshold of decency Today's right-wing nihilists are crossing that threshold of decency.

Rep. Michelle Bachmann’s Apology Fail

Oct 25, 2008
Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann apparently understood that she needed to do a little spin control following her jaw-dropping flirtation with McCarthyism on "Hardball" last week, but she apparently didn't feel the need to apologize to anyone, judging by her latest campaign spot.
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Tales From the Palin

Oct 23, 2008
The ghoulish comic "Tales From the Crypt" is taking a spooky look at the possibility of a Sarah Palin presidency. An editorial by Gathy Gaines Mifsud, daughter of publisher William Gaines -- a target of a ghastly 1950s Senate investigation on censorship -- rails against Palin and her reported McCarthy-esque book-banning stunts while mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.