Staff / TruthdigJul 3, 2006
Washington Post reporter Dana Priest threw Bill Bennett's gambling history back in his face when the conservative pundit attempted to lecture Priest on ethics. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigJun 3, 2006
The five media heavies who shamelessly promoted the government's lies about the Los Alamos scientist chose to settle today rather than reveal their government sources.
Lee was savaged by a media fueled by government rumors that he was spying for China, an accusation he was never officially charged with. Lee was imprisoned in solitary confinement for nine months in 1999-2000 and ultimately received an apology from the judge who heard his case. Truthdig says: The media was not defending freedom of the press but their own right to operate as a megaphone for government agents with an agenda to slander an American citizen. The media went to bat for government agents who broke the law. When will those agents be held accountable?Read Robert Scheer's extensive coverage of the Wen Ho Lee case. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Larry Gross / TruthdigMay 17, 2006
Former New York Times Executive Editor Abe Rosenthal, who died this month, was a raging homophobe--a failing that proved tragic when the AIDS crisis erupted on his watch. Gay and lesbian studies pioneer Larry Gross explores what happened when America's paper of record ignored one of the major civil rights stories of our time. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
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Staff / TruthdigApr 18, 2006
The NY Times (which is reportedly closing its own gossip page) quizzes a veritable who's-who of New York's 'buzz industry' leaders on the power of the N Post's gossip page (which came under fire for the alleged extortion activities of one of its star writers). Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigFeb 5, 2006
The Gray Lady publishes a slew of important and underreported stories its Saturday edition:
Two federal courts strike down the Partial Birth Abortion Act because it doesn't have an exception for the life of the mother
Yahoo and AOL are going to introduce digital postage stamps that companies can buy to ensure delivery of their e-mail
Most Internet users have no idea how easy it is for courts to get ahold of their personal information
The personal savings rate of Americans falls below zero for the first time since the Great Depression
Now James Frey's editor says that he, too, was fooled by the fabricating fabulist. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigJan 17, 2006
The former VP, hot and bothered, says a special prosecutor should investigate Bush's spy program | story or transcriptThe NYT reports that even the former FBI director had qualms about the legality of the spying | story Meanwhile, the ACLU and another group sue Bush over his wiretappingcom/2006/01/17/politics/17nsahtml?hp&ex=1137474000&en=9aa4386db9bb10f6&ei=5094&partner=homepage" title="story">story. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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