Michael Kwet / TruthdigJan 13, 2025
The Stop Terror-Financing bill would strangle nonprofits on the political and financial edge. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Ellis Simani / ProPublicaJun 18, 2024
A group of connected political nonprofits appear to be funneling more than 90% of donations to fundraisers. Dig deeper ( 9 Min. Read )
Sam Pizzigati / Inequality.orgApr 9, 2024
Nonprofits don’t have the political clout of their corporate counterparts, so balancing the CEO-worker pay ratio should be easier. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
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Zubeida Mustafa / TruthdigFeb 15, 2018
In a country where public school systems are failing, a growing nonprofit organization shows students and teachers how to revitalize learning. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
Emily Wells / TruthdigDec 5, 2017
Some in Congress hope to drop a 1950s-era amendment from the final tax bill and allow nonprofits to engage in political activity without losing tax-exempt status. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
BLANKSep 19, 2013
In an effort to gain even more control of Americans' banking assets, the banking industry is trying to stamp out member-owned credit unions -- which began amid the banking failures of the Great Depression -- by stripping them of their nonprofit status. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
BLANKSep 13, 2013
A new IRS filing reveals that a shadowy Koch brothers-led nonprofit, Freedom Partners, spent nearly a quarter-billion dollars trying to influence 2012 elections and policy discussions. Most of the donors remain secret. Can you say, "oligarchy"? Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
BLANKSep 12, 2013
There's a ripple of movement in Congress to strip nonprofit status from pro sports businesses such as the NFL and PGA, raising fresh questions about why taxpayers should support billion-dollar entertainment industries. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
By Marian Wang, ProPublicaApr 24, 2012
Since last fall, one million borrowers have had their federal student loans randomly assigned to new loan-servicing companies, all nonprofits or subsidiaries of nonprofit organizations, thanks to a little-known provision in the 2010 healthcare overhaul. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMar 7, 2012
Updated Ugandan guerrilla leader Joseph Kony has forced more than 60,000 kidnapped children to kill for him Nonprofit crusaders Invisible Children say they’ll stop him, but the group has its own problemsUgandan guerrilla leader Joseph Kony has forced more than 60,000 children to kill for him. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMay 13, 2011
Clandestine political financiers such as David H. Koch, who along with his brother Charles has bankrolled the tea party movement, may soon be hit with “gift taxes” for each donation to nonprofit political advocacy groups. The Internal Revenue Service has been able to tax such contributions since 1982, but it has rarely happened, The New York Times reports. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
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