
Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Flower Heaven

Jul 7, 2010
As much as one-third of all flowering plants face extinction at the hands of humans, according to new research -- and that's not even factoring in climate change. Such a die-off would have a devastating impact on the food chain. As one of the researchers put it, "if you get rid of [plants] you get rid of a lot of the things above them."

Global Warming on the Move

Dec 26, 2009
A new study says that global warming is on the move at the pace of a quarter of a mile each year, a seemingly minor shift that could have major consequences for plant and animal species that cannot easily adapt to rising temperatures.
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U.S.-India Nuclear Deal Raises Fears

Mar 3, 2006
Bush's historic deal with India will shield some Indian nuclear plants from international inspections. A proliferation expert tells the N.Y. Times that this will allow India to "amass as many nuclear weapons as it wants. This is Santa Claus negotiating."