
Tens of Millions Wasted in Iraq

Jan 31, 2007
The latest report from the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction says tens of millions of dollars have been wasted because of failure and fraud. Among other abuses, the report cites a never-used $48.3-million housing facility, complete with an Olympic-size swimming pool. If Willie Sutton were alive today, he'd head straight to Baghdad.

U.S. Pledges Support for Lebanon

Jan 25, 2007
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced a $770-million aid package to help with Lebanon's reconstruction. The war-ravaged nation is hoping to raise $9 billion in aid. Meanwhile, a Hezbollah-backed general strike and mass protests continue to threaten the tenure of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora.
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Billions Wasted in Iraq

Nov 9, 2006
Stuart Bowen of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction says billions of dollars of Iraq's national income are lost annually to corruption, with public funds often ending up in the hands of insurgents. Bowen's oversight office is set to close due to legislation passed by the Republican Congress.

Iraq Oversight Agency Silenced

Nov 3, 2006
An obscure provision inserted at the last minute into a military authorization bill signed by President Bush has closed the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. The oversight agency had repeatedly embarrassed the administration by exposing corruption, exploitation and negligence in the reconstruction effort in Iraq.

Lebanon Pledge Drive a Major Success

Sep 1, 2006
Donors attending a conference in Sweden have pledged $940 million for Lebanon's reconstruction, almost twice as much aid as organizers had hoped for. Although he said his country had sustained billions of dollars in damage, Lebanese Prime Minister Siniora expressed his "great appreciation" of the donors' support.

Actions Speak Louder Than Empty Promises

Aug 27, 2006
A year after the levees broke, Bush has again acknowledged his government's failure to protect and rescue the citizens of New Orleans, promising "the federal government will learn the lessons of Katrina." Although the president pledged $110 billion for reconstruction, one of Louisiana's senators has criticized the slow progress of rebuilding: "Countless neighborhoods appear as if the hurricanes were just yesterday, and they serve as harsh reminders of how our nation was so unprepared."

Hezbollah Leads Lebanon Reconstruction

Aug 16, 2006
Hezbollah, flush with cash from Iran, has already begun the work of reconstruction in Lebanon, enhancing its reputation in the country. Hezbollah?s leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, promised a year?s rent to anyone who lost their home during the conflict, and hundreds of Hezbollah members have been spotted surveying and clearing damaged property.