Runaway Wall Street
Feb 4, 2009 It is instructional that only one of the three tax-challenged Obama appointees has survived public scorn to claim a high position in the new administration. Oddly enough, it is Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the man who will collect our taxes, whose career has not been stunted by his failure to pay them.
Wall Street Robber Barons Ride Again
Jan 14, 2009 Why rush to throw another $350 billion of taxpayer money at the Wall Street bandits and their political cronies who created the biggest financial mess since the Great Depression? And why should we taxpayers be expected to double our debt exposure when the 10 still-secret bailout contracts made in the first round are being kept from the public?
Rubin Bows Out of Citigroup
Jan 10, 2009 Almost a year ago, Citigroup's then-director Robert Rubin downplayed the enormity of the economic catastrophe headed our way and made a pre-emptive move to shift any potential blame to politicians instead of financial experts such as himself. Fast-forward to the present and the picture changes considerably.
Republicans Bring Socialism to America
Dec 10, 2008 Let the record show that it was George W. Bush, the rich Texas Republican, who brought socialism to America, so don't blame it on that African-American Chicago Democrat community organizer who made it into the White House.
Obama Chooses Wall Street Over Main Street
Nov 26, 2008 Maybe Ralph Nader was right in predicting that the same Wall Street hustlers would have a lock on our government no matter which major party won the election. I hate to admit it, since it wasn't that long ago that I heatedly challenged Nader in a debate on this very point.
Obamanomics = Rubinomics?
Nov 25, 2008 Judging by the new additions to Barack Obama's economic squad, the president-elect appears to be borrowing heavily from Robert Rubin's ranks, but here's an argument as to why Obama's approach will differ from Rubin's (but consider the source here).
The Battle for Obama’s Economic Soul
Oct 22, 2008 Instead of running with the "European socialist" crowd, as John McCain has claimed, Barack Obama has turned to the same American “free market” elite that views government as merely a corporate subsidiary. Even within that group, however, there are serious splits, and the more enlightened side seems to be winning.