school shooting

The War Against Teachers in Dark Times

Dec 18, 2012
It is ironic, in the unfolding nightmare in Newtown, Conn., that only in the midst of tragedy are teachers celebrated in ways that acknowledge the vital role they play every day in both protecting and educating our children. What is repressed in these moments is that teachers have been under attack by right-wing conservatives, religious fundamentalists and centrist Democrats since the beginning of the 1980s.
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The Future of Gun Control in the Aftermath of Sandy Hook

Dec 16, 2012
As a result of a grotesque confluence of cultural iconography celebrating the virtues of an armed citizenry, political cowardice in the face of pro-gun lobbies like the NRA, and a judiciary that has redefined the meaning of the Second Amendment, we have become a nation bereft of effective gun control, reduced to waiting for the next firearm fueled massacre.The question arises with renewed urgency: When and how will the madness stop?

Dear God! When Will It Stop?

Dec 16, 2012
Once again we are faced with unspeakable horror from gun violence and once again we are reminded that there is no safe harbor for our children. How young do the victims have to be and how many children need to die before we stop the proliferation of guns in our nation and the killing of innocents?