secretary of state

McCain’s Senior Moment?

Oct 26, 2008
In response to former Secretary of State Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama last week, John McCain boasted on "Meet the Press" of the five former secretaries of state who have thrown their support behind his own candidacy. Yet braggadocio ran into bungle when McCain tried to name all five, twice getting only to four,and looking a bit shaky in the process.
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Rice: Russia on the Wrong Track

Sep 18, 2008
Although she acknowledged that Georgia fired the first shots in August's bloody conflict with Russia, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Thursday laid most of the blame for that showdown on Russia. During a strident speech, she also gave several other examples of how she believed Russia's leaders were taking their nation down a dangerous road.

Palin Falls Short of VP Standards

Sep 13, 2008
Does anyone believe that if John McCain were president and had selected Gov. Sarah Palin under the 25th Amendment to fill a vacancy in the vice presidency Congress would have confirmed her? Not likely. In fact, it is even less likely that McCain would have even attempted to do so, for he would have embarrassed himself.

Powell Salutes Obama, Worries About Wars

Apr 11, 2008
Gen. Colin Powell won't say who will get his vote this November, but on Thursday's "Good Morning America," the former secretary of state put in a good word for all three front-runners, praised Obama's Rev. Wright speech and worried that the U.S. armed forces are becoming "very, very stretched" by the protracted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Pope Disses Rice

Sep 19, 2007
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice may be persona non grata at the Vatican. When Rice swung through Italy in August, she gave notice ahead of time about her hopes to meet with Pope Benedict XVI, but the pontiff's camp politely rebuffed her request, explaining that he was on holiday.

Zoellick Tapped to Replace Wolfowitz

May 30, 2007
Now that Paul Wolfowitz has resigned his post at the top of the World Bank -- blaming the media for his ultimate downfall -- President Bush has found his successor in former Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, who will take over as bank president at the end of June.