
Kudos for Kosovo Elections

Nov 17, 2009
A year after declaring independence from Serbia, Kosovo has received good marks from European monitors for its first round of local elections, which could lead to wider recognition and acceptance of its newly established status in the international community.

Blowback From Bear-Baiting

Aug 17, 2008
For reasons too numerous to fit into a short summary, Pat Buchanan isn't someone whose writings we'd routinely pick up on this site. However, in this case his essay about the Georgia-Russia conflict, er, bears repeating here, if only to illustrate how not all conservatives see the recent clash in Eastern Europe the way the Bush administration does.
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Serb War Crimes Suspect Arrested

Jul 22, 2008
Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, indicted by the U.N. war crimes tribunal for the murder of civilians in Sarajevo and Srebrenica during the Bosnian war, has been arrested in Serbia after being underground since 1997. Seems the lure of EU membership is getting the government there to turn up some old stones.

Serbian PM Dissolves Parliament

Mar 9, 2008
Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica dissolved his country's parliament Saturday and said he would request new elections for May 11. The action followed a conflict between Kostunica and pro-Western President Boris Tadic on how Kosovo's independence affects Serbia's quest for membership in the European Union.

Russia Stands With Serbia

Feb 26, 2008
Russia and the US are picking sides in the conflict over Kosovo's bid for independence from Serbia Washington's support of Kosovo led to last week's protest outside the U Embassy in Belgrade, and now Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who may well be next to lead Russia, has reaffirmed that his country will stand behind Serbia Medvedev commented Monday during a visit to Belgrade.

World Leaders Struggle With Kosovo Independence

Feb 18, 2008
Kosovo's declaration of independence has prompted both condemnation and cheers from world leaders Whether in the UN Security Council or the European Union, global opinion is divided In particular, the declaration has served as a flashpoint for tension between the United States and Russia, an ugly reenactment of the kind of jockeying for influence that was supposed to have been buried with the Cold War.

Serbs Jailed for 1995 Killings

Apr 10, 2007
Four Serbian men charged with killing six Bosnian Muslims during 1995's Srebrenica massacre have been convicted by Serbia's war crimes court. The four, members of a paramilitary group called the Scorpions, were given jail sentences ranging from five to 20 years.

Serbia Not Guilty of Genocide

Feb 27, 2007
In an unprecedented case, Bosnia sought payback in the form of billions of dollars from Serbia for the ethnic conflict that claimed thousands of lives in the 1990s. On Monday, the U.N.'s International Court of Justice absolved Serbia of accountability for genocide but accused Belgrade of failing to thwart the Srebrenica massacre of 1995, according to the BBC.