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25 Years After Exxon Valdez, BP Was the Hidden Culprit

Mar 24, 2014
Two decades ago I was the investigator for the legal team that sold you the bullshit on the crackup of the Exxon Valdez Now, on the 25th anniversary of that disaster, and four years after the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe, the Obama administration has authorized BP to resume drilling in the Gulf of Mexico -- and it's all set to happen again Now, on the 25th anniversary of that disaster, it's all set to happen again.

Bubble May Burst for Fossil Fuel Giants

Oct 7, 2013
Petroleum corporations are warned they may face a damaging backlash if they try to resist mounting pressure and high profile campaigning for climate change legislation.

Independence From Terror

Jul 4, 2013
Do we write words of mourning? Or do we write words of resistance? Those two braids have joined and from now on will flow together -- in our age of the Anthropocene.

Terracide and the Terrarists: Destroying the Planet for Record Profits

May 23, 2013
We have a word for the conscious slaughter of a racial or ethnic group, and one for the conscious destruction of aspects of the environment. But we don’t have one for the conscious act of destroying the planet we live on. “Terracide,” from the Latin word for earth, has the right ring, given its similarity to the commonplace danger word of our era: terrorist.

Frack Fight

Nov 20, 2012
In small hamlets in upstate New York, a loose network of activists is waging a guerrilla campaign not with improvised explosive devices or rocket-propelled grenades, but with zoning ordinances and petitions.