
NASA: The World Won’t End in 2012

Jan 3, 2012
Sorry, all you Mayan-influenced doomsday enthusiasts, but it's looking to some of the great minds over at NASA as though 2012 isn't going to be particularly apocalypse-friendly as such. Ancient augury versus contemporary astronomy: Who will prevail?

Scientists List Their Favorite Discoveries of 2011

Dec 31, 2011
Increasingly chaotic weather, potentially habitable planets and closing in on the elusive Higgs boson are just a few of the developments observed and discoveries made by the scientific community in 2011. The editors at LiveScience asked university scientists to describe what they think were the most important advances of the year.
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A New Space Race

Jul 21, 2011
More than 40 years after man first stepped foot on the moon, a new race to that pie in the sky has begun, this time by groups of entrepreneurs looking to cash in on private ventures and $30 million in prizes offered by Google.

Still Searching for Water on the Backup Planet

Jun 23, 2010
Our ability to evacuate to Mars once we're done wrecking the Earth depends on a lot, but the whole idea is a nonstarter if the fourth rock from the sun is dry. Ten years ago scientists discovered evidence of flowing water on Mars and we have reason to believe there's plenty of the frozen variety, but we still haven't caught Mars with its gullies wet.