White House Considering Dramatic Expansion of Travel Ban
Jan 11, 2020 An announcement is expected to coincide with the third anniversary of Trump's first travel ban, which sparked massive protests and chaos.
Horrifying Emails Reveal Stephen Miller’s White Nationalism
Nov 12, 2019 The Southern Poverty Law Center has, in writing, missives from 2015 and 2016 that expose what many have long suspected.
Will the Supreme Court Side With Trump in His War on Immigrants?
Apr 26, 2019 A new case to determine whether a citizenship question can be added to the 2020 census carries grave implications for the entire country.
‘The Brink’ Lays Bare the Banality of Steve Bannon’s Evil
Mar 28, 2019 Filmmaker Alison Klayman documents what she learned about Donald Trump’s former adviser after spending a tumultuous year with him.
7 Racist Exclusions that Reveal America’s Ugly Side
Jan 28, 2019 On the occasion of the two-year anniversary of Trump’s Muslim visa ban and Holocaust Remembrance Day, it's worth reviewing some U.S. history.
Trump’s Immigration Policies Are So Cruel, They Defy Understanding (Video)
Nov 26, 2018 "Patriot Act" host Hasan Minhaj explains the different branches of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and tries to make sense of Stephen Miller, the mastermind behind the administration's immigration policies.
Trump Limits Asylum, Says Migrants Must ‘Have Merit’
Nov 9, 2018 The president has asserted the same powers he used to push through a version of the travel ban that was upheld by the Supreme Court.
Muslim Candidates Triumph Over Trump’s Islamophobia
Nov 7, 2018 Perhaps the most remarkable stories from the 2018 midterm elections belong to the two Muslim women elected to the House of Representatives.
Synagogue Shooter Shares This Obsession With Far-Right Media
Oct 31, 2018 As the facts of the anti-Semitic attack at a Pittsburgh synagogue unfold, one of shooter Robert Bowers’ motives has come to the forefront.