
Three Scout Leaders Topple Stone Formation, Face Charges

Oct 18, 2013
Claiming they were trying to protect the public from a stone formation that took 165 million years to form, three Utah Boy Scout leaders pushed a boulder from its erosion-built perch. And posted the video online. Welcome to modern American vandalism, the public parks version.
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The Amazing Spider-Goat!

Jan 17, 2012
This is the kind of scientific story that's a little "ooh" with some "ew!" mixed in, too: Scientists at Utah State University have cleverly combined goat and spider genes to make a normal-looking strain of goat that happens to be able to produce extra protein in its milk that can be made into spider silk.

California Prisoners Do or Die

Jul 16, 2011
Prisoners all over California continue a hunger strike despite nearing death; "Sister Wives" reality TV show stars fight the anti-polygamy law; and economists have resorted to capital bribery to resuscitate the American job market. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Huntsman Throws In for Campaign 2012

Jun 22, 2011
Here are some fun facts about Jon Huntsman Jr.: He's the former governor of Utah; he's a Mormon; he last worked as an envoy to China for President Obama; and he's now challenging his former boss for the White House by running for president on the Republican ticket. Updated

Thar Be Gold in Them Hills

Mar 4, 2011
You know Fox News is all over this story: The Utah House of Representatives is fixin' to vote on a measure that would make gold and silver coins a viable alternative to the boring -- and inflation-prone -- forms of currency currently in national circulation.

Utah Agency at Heart of Undocumented List Leak

Jul 16, 2010
A list of 1,300 alleged illegal immigrants has been given to Utah media and state policymakers -- a list that includes individuals' first and last names, Social Security numbers, addresses, and even pregnancy due dates -- and many are looking to a particular state agency as the culprit for the leak.