
Utah Immigrant List Terrorizes Residents

Jul 15, 2010
Utah authorities are investigating an "illegal immigrants" list sent anonymously to the media and law enforcement. The document contains 1,300 names along with private information such as home addresses and even pregnancy due dates. Needless to say, Utah residents who suspect they might be on the list are panicked.

Utah Executes Man by Firing Squad

Jun 18, 2010
Utah executed a convicted murderer by firing squad on Friday. Ronnie Lee Gardner chose the method of execution months ago -- as permitted by Utah law -- which subsequently brought his case to the forefront of the capital punishment debate in the U.S.
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Tea Partyers Give Sen. Bennett the Boot

May 9, 2010
Bob Bennett, three-term Republican senator from Utah, has been ousted from running for re-election by the conservative tea party movement after he was deemed unfit (he supported health care reform). Bennett came in third at the state Republican convention in Salt Lake City.

Death by Firing Squad

Apr 24, 2010
In a throwback to Utah's Wild West past, convicted murderer Ronnie Lee Gardner has requested, as per state law, to be executed by firing squad. The request sets the stage for what almost certainly will be a contested debate on capital punishment. Gardner would be only the third person to be killed by the method in the U.S. since 1976.

14 States Take Health Care Bill to Court

Mar 24, 2010
The attorneys general of Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Virginia are suing over the health care reform bill, citing state sovereignty and alleging federal overreach under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.

Utah Shows Big Love for Porn

Mar 3, 2009
Where in this great nation would you think the per capita consumption of pornography would be at its highest? Perhaps a decadent coastal blue state such as California or New York? Guess again, people -- the answer is Utah.

Thou Shalt Not Place Monument

Feb 25, 2009
A lawsuit tinged with questions of free speech and separation of church and state ended when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Summum religious group's attempts to install a marker of its own in a Utah park that already has a Ten Commandments monument.