Maj. Danny Sjursen / TruthdigApr 20, 2019
Our military intervention there in the 1960s and ’70s cost 58,000 U.S. lives and created a gash in our nation's psyche that never healed. Dig deeper ( 27 Min. Read )
Barbara Myers / TruthdigOct 20, 2017
The Ken Burns-Lynn Novick documentary fails to grapple with the issue of U.S. culpability. If America is not honest with itself, we will never learn the lessons of the war. Dig deeper ( 10 Min. Read )
Janice G. Raymond / TruthdigApr 8, 2017
I thought graphic novels were kid stuff -- and there is no better book to prove me wrong than this turbulent memoir of a Vietnamese family. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
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Stanley Kutler / TruthdigAug 21, 2009
Vietnam’s primary lesson remains intact: American power is not without limits, both in terms of defeating an enemy and in terms of its domestic support. The primary lesson of Vietnam seems to be that it is a lesson lost. And now we have some of the same intractable problems in Afghanistan.
Vietnam’s primary lesson remains intact: American power is not without limits. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
BLANKJan 16, 2009
Sherry Buchanan, previously the author of "Vietnam Zippos," gathers together drawings, poems, letters and oral histories by 10 Viet Cong artists and offers a radically different view of the fighters whom Americans branded as Reds, gooks and fanatical killers. Dig deeper ( 11 Min. Read )
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