wolf blitzer

CNN’s Iraq Reporter Warns of White House Spin

Jul 19, 2007
Could the Bush administration be invoking the ominous specter of al-Qaida -- and suggesting the extremist group is gathering strength and preparing to strike -- for political reasons? CNN's Baghdad correspondent Michael Ware says Americans should watch out for rhetorical sleight of hand from the White House concerning the current threat level and the newly unveiled National Intelligence Estimate.

Michael Moore Rips Into CNN’s Wolf Blitzer

Jul 10, 2007
"SiCKO" director Michael Moore opens up a can of whoop-ass on CNN's "The Situation Room" (our sincerest apologies to those with delicate sensibilities, but there's just no other way to put it), giving host Wolf Blitzer and resident MD/one-time "embedded journalist" Dr. Sanjay Gupta quite a dressing-down in a must-see live TV moment.

Obama vs. McCain

Apr 19, 2007
It looks like the two senators have decided to skip their respective primaries and run against each other directly on the "Situation Room." In all fairness, this isn't a feud so much as John McCain sniping at Barack Obama's airtime with e-mail.
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CNN: Gonzales the ‘Weasel’

Mar 20, 2007
Wow. CNN's Jack Cafferty really doesn't like Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. After calling him the definition of a "weasel," Cafferty asked America whether the AG should resign. Surprisingly (or not), CNN didn't get one e-mail saying Gonzales should stay.

Weekly Video Roundup

Oct 14, 2006
This week's slew of Truthdig-flavored videos includes two (gasp!) conservatives: Andrew Sullivan and Dennis Miller. Please listen to what they have to say -- even if only to sharpen your debating skills. Also check out Robert Scheer on North Korea and Iran and Wolf Blitzer humiliating a GOP'er over Foleygate.