Jim Knipfel / TruthdigJun 7, 2024
A long-lost anti-war novel by Louis-Ferdinand Celine gets the English translation it deserves. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
Juan Cole / Informed CommentNov 11, 2018
While Trump is in Paris to commemorate the end of World War I, we should learn from that bloody episode that, among other things, we cannot credit politicians who promise us a short, glorious war. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Teodrose Fikre / The Ghion JournalApr 12, 2018
What is taking place there should serve as our wake-up call. We are one bad decision or miscalculation away from Armageddon. Dig deeper ( 8 Min. Read )
By Jefferson Morley / AlterNetApr 10, 2017
In his new book, historian Michael Kazin recalls the Americans who wanted to give peace a chance 100 years ago. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
Natasha Hakimi Zapata / TruthdigMar 9, 2015
On Sunday, the HBO show dedicated its "How is this still a thing?" segment to daylight saving. Let's just say it'll have you questioning (and laughing about) the outdated practice as you mourn your lack of sleep. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Amy Goodman / TruthdigAug 28, 2014
What, if anything, have we learned from the disaster of World War I? Look no farther than Gaza, or Ferguson, Mo. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
William Pfaff / TruthdigJul 2, 2014
The weekend past saw the centenary of the assassination of the Archduke Franz-Ferdinand, with as consequence the First World War. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigNov 12, 2012
One of the bloodiest conflicts in human history ended 94 years ago this Sunday. Sometimes the saying is wrong, and a few carefully chosen words can be worth 1,000 images. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
By Adam Hochschild, TomDispatchMar 1, 2012
For all the spectacle of thundering cavalry charges, muddy trenches and wartime love and loss, the current popular storytellers of the First World War skip over the conflict's greatest moral drama by leaving out part of its cast of characters. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
William Pfaff / TruthdigDec 14, 2011
Germany, as we all know, is a problem -- especially a disproportionately powerful and united Germany. (Update) Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
William Pfaff / TruthdigFeb 17, 2010
What is this problem about Europe's standing in the world today that obsesses the Europeans and generates constant self-examination, endless academic seminars and political conferences, all permeated with inarticulate anxiety? Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
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