Like something out of a storybook, 8-year-old Gabi Mann of Seattle has established a reciprocal connection with the crows that visit her backyard — she feeds them, and in turn the black birds bring her gifts of all sorts.

BBC News:

Gabi Mann sets a bead storage container on the dining room table, and clicks the lid open. This is her most precious collection.

“You may take a few close looks,” she says, “but don’t touch.” It’s a warning she’s most likely practised on her younger brother. She laughs after saying it though. She is happy for the audience.

Inside the box are rows of small objects in clear plastic bags. One label reads: “Black table by feeder. 2:30 p.m. 09 Nov 2014.” Inside is a broken light bulb. Another bag contains small pieces of brown glass worn smooth by the sea. “Beer coloured glass,” as Gabi describes it.

Each item is individually wrapped and categorised. Gabi pulls a black zip out of a labelled bag and holds it up. “We keep it in as good condition as we can,” she says, before explaining this object is one of her favourites.

Read more.

Here’s a video of Gabi feeding her feathered friends at her home:

—Posted by Natasha Hakimi Zapata

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